We are moving to a spacious converted warehouse in Amsterdam North


What is happening?

The past weeks we have been working on rebuilding our new place on the tt. Vasumweg – formerly a warehouse for car technical materials. It is located at the NDSM Wharf in Amsterdam North. We will move in on November 3rd.

Why move?

In this building we have height and space to work on our projects and installations to a true scale.

Is it in the outback of Amsterdam?

No, it is actually very close to our current location and Amsterdam central station. The free ferry from the central station takes you directly to the Wharf opposite the river. From here it is a 3 minute walk to our building.

Wow, is this space not way too big for you?

Yes it is. We are exploring several possibilities to facilitate initiatives in the field of contemporary art.

Will the renovation be finished in time?

We pray to the gods of the cable-networks that our phones and internet will work. If you have trouble reaching us these weeks, please contact us on our mobile phone.

Can I visit?

Of course, you are more than welcome. Please notify in advance. Official opening is in January 2015.

What is the exact address?

tt. Vasumweg 39
1033 SB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

e. info@stallinga.nl
t. +31 (0) 20 4200876

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